The Bitchy/Sassy Issue

2014 saw many things but one strange phenomena was the rise of “sass”. Many people, mainly women aged between 16 and 25, found themselves the victim of the obsession with sass, myself included. Celebrities were being heralded for their hilarious sassy comments mainly Scott Disick for Keeping Up With The Kardashians, a show I really can’t stand but I still find this man hilarious (see for evidence). But even for us mere mortals who do not sleep on mountains of hundred dollar bills it seems to have infected us also. Buzzfeed for example have been posting a few sassy things such as  “19 awe inspiringly perfect moments of historical sass” (link bottom of page!) But for you and me, this was mainly evident in our tweets increasing in this dry speech style accompanied with #sass #sassy #sassqueen and the classic #sorrynotsorry- essentially I am so sorry you can’t handle this level of SASS. Even a Twitter page named “sassy tortoise” appeared boasting 110.5K followers tweeting sassy comments daily, some of which I find quite hilarious.

A couple of recent tweets from Twitters ‘sassy tortoise’ that you can follow on @asassytortoise.

Now this isn’t me having a go, I love sass and about a month ago I found myself on someone’s Twitter list named “tweeting about sass” so I am also part of this sasspit. In fact my flatmates and I have created the phrase “dropping the microphone” (and mime it) to signify a sassy move- in a salute to Arctic Monkeys Alex Turner’s dropping of his microphone at the Brit Awards accompanied with “invoice me with the microphone if you need to”. So I’m not saying I want sass to disappear I think it’s a good way of expressing yourself and I do believe that honesty is the best policy- something vital for a sassy comment. However one thing I have noticed is the fine line between sassy and bitchy becoming increasingly blurred. This is the idea that one person can criticise someone for whatever reason and say a really harsh comment and by following it up by saying “I’m so sassy” or on a tweet throwing in one of the aforementioned hashtag. I am just as bad as the next person and it’s something I am definitely looking to change.

Alex Turner’s sassy dropping of the microphone. Just look at the level of sass in that facial expression. Watch it here:

But where does sass end and bitchy begin? Perhaps it’s whether the sassy comment was deserved or was it completely unnecessary or maybe it’s the severity. Don’t get me wrong it is difficult to know who deserves sassiness and what warrants a comment but I just ask you to think about what ISNT sassy and instead IS just a bitchy comment hiding behind a level of humour for example:

The lecturer today was wearing a coat and it look like someone had thrown up on it #sassytweet”

SO in short I am asking you to KEEP SASSY BUT STOP BITCHING. 

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